OSSC Results 2016: Check Result for Combined Police Service (Main) Exam 2013
Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) Combined Police Service (Main) Examination 2013 | |
Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) PWO/ SDPO/ ACO (Jr Correctional Officer) | Detail |
OSSC Laboratory Assistant |
OSSC Result 2016 for the post of Field Assistant: Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) had always granted with the millions of the opportunities to the candidates that had been aspiring to grab an appropriate seat under the supremacy and the methods of the selection are also found to layout as per the selection to be made. The recent announcement is made to publicize the result of main examination (Online) that was held on the date 23rd Feb 2014 for the post of Field Assistant. The result announced is favoring for the proclamation of the next important steps of the selection and it is being mentioned to viva voce session. The date being mentioned under the test is et 5th May 2014 to the date 7th May 2014 and the result list is available at the linkage below:
Download Result File for Field Assistant Posts
- It is being mentioned that applicants that are commencing for the viva voce must download their call letters from the official website of commission.
OSSC Result 2015 for the post of Inspector of Supplies (Additional List): Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) to get preceded the selection procedure for the post of Inspector of Supplies had conducted the main written examination. Under the test all the basic expertise required were summed up in the form of the objective type questioning. A list of the selected applicants was made notified. The recently announced list is as Additional List of the applicants that are also found to be appropriate for the post and are also invited for the interview (viva voce) on the date 3rd April 2014 and time is being decided to be 10:30 am.
Applicants check out the result at the connection which is being provided to be below:
Download Result File for Inspector of Supplies (Additional List) Posts
- Call letters are thoroughly needed to download from the official website of the Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) that is important to bring at the time of the viva voce session.
OSSC Result 2015 for the post of Inspector of Supplies: Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) is very pleased to make the current announcement as this result was being waited from a long time by the applicants. This wait was for the result of the pen and paper test that was thoroughly conducted on the date 11th August 2013. The main motive to organize the test was to make the recruitment of the applicant for the post of Inspector of Supplies. A list of the deserving applicants is being prepared by having the supremacy of the expert panel and this list prepared is highly provisional and chances to commit the error are also small. Applicants selected had been invited further for the viva voce test for which the dates scheduled are 20th March 2014 to the date 2nd April 2014.
List of the applicants prepared could be accessed from the connection below:
Download Result File for Inspector of Supplies Posts
Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) Result 2015 for the post of Inspector of Weights & Measures (Legal Meteorology): Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) was duly established in the year 1994 that was established with the motive of the making the recruitment for the group C posts and was constituted by the Odisha Government. OSSC makes sure to make the conduction of the recruitments procedures that covers the various posts and under the present session the announcement that is being made is for the post of Inspector of Weights & Measures (Legal Meteorology) that are to recruit under the Director, food supply & consumer welfare department. The list that is being made by the Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) is completed by the written main examination for which the details were notified under the advertisement number 2259. The list that is being publicized are to invite for the interview session and the date to held the test is the 11th Dec 2013 to the date 12th Dec 2013.
Applicants that wish to get the entire detail along with the list of the applicants make the usage of the link that is as below:
Note worthy points:
- Applicants are being informed to make et download of the call letter from the official website as it is must to bring at the time of the interview.
- Candidates are also informed to bring all the required documents at the time of the viva voce as in the lack of these applicants will not be able to proceed for the next sessions.
hey sir please tell me where i see my OSSC Results ? I go to the official website but no information found related to Junior Motor Vehicle Inspector