UPSC IAS Exam Application Form 2016 – Today is Last Date
As you all know that UPSC has officially announced UPSC IAS Exam dates via official notification No. 08/2016-CSP on 27th April, 2016. You can get complete information about official notification here.
Update: The candidates who have not applied should do fast as today i.e. 27th May, 2016 is the last date to apply UPSC IAS exam 2016. The candidates must note that the link for application form is active only up to 11:59 PM only.
Here we will discuss the detail procedure to apply for UPSC IAS exam 2016. The candidates must note that the procedure to apply for UPSC IAS exam 2016 is online only. The following is the complete information about UPSC IAS 2016 application form.
If you would like to get more information then visit the following pages.
UPSC IAS Exam Application Form 2016 – Procedure
From the past few years, the Government of India has made the application process online. This means that registration takes place over the internet and the process is highly accurate and fast. For making an online application for UPSC IAS Exam 2016, the following steps are required to be followed:
Step 1- Visit UPSC’s website
The first thing that a candidate needs to do is visit the official website of UPSC. The official address of UPSC website is . There is no other place where online application can be made for this exam and even if you find any other link on the internet, it is bound to redirect you to this page only.
Step 2- Search for the application link
Once the webpage has opened in front of you. It is time to find the right link whereby the application process can commence. The easiest way to find the link is to look on the left hand side of the page where there is a link titled at “UPSC Online Applications”. Click on the link and you will be navigated to a new page. The new page will have 3 links and you will be required to click on the first link.
Step 3- Choose the IAS Exam
A new page will open where the application link is present. Click on the link and the application form will appear.
Step 4- Fill up the form
The application form is right infront of you and it is time that you fill up the same. For this purpose you will be required to upload a scanned passport size photograph of yourself along with a scanned copy of the signature. Check the inserted data again to confirm that everything is correct.
Step 5- Make Payment
The final step to complete the registration is to make the payment for exam fee. It can be done either through making the payment online or taking a print out of the challan and submitting the same with required exam fee to the nearest authorized bank.
Once the above mentioned steps are executed properly, you have successfully made your online application for UPSC IAS Exam.
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